What KILO does is summed up by the expression – ‘provide services’.

  • Those services are connected to:
    • land and premises
    • the construction and property industry
    • the overall process described under ‘our approach’
  • Providing Services can actually mean a number of things, which may involve some or all of the following:
    • helping you achieve your objectives (formulating strategy, setting up teams, producing design solutions, etc.)
    • increasing your organisation’s capacity (by providing skills that you don’t have, or releasing the time that you cannot spare)
    • giving advice (the quintessential service)
    • solving problems (the core skill-set for the construction industry)
    • being on your side (a vigorous part of your team within a negotiation)
    • representing you (either informally, or formally as your agent)
    • offering leadership (on the standard model of organisation/vision/courage, or equivalent)
  • We refer to ‘premises’ in the general sense (land and buildings) because we recognise that much construction activity in the UK relates to existing buildings. In effect, we regard premises as having many of the same characteristics as land, in that they too can be under-used, or possess opportunity value.
  • The focus of service provision is to contribute to the client’s main vision, so that all opportunities for benefit are exploited, and all their land and buildings make a healthy contribution to the whole.